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Home > In conversation with Annkur Khosla

In conversation with Annkur Khosla

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Annkur Khosla’s mature journey as an architect has been nothing short of inspiring, having already cemented a repertoire of architectural building, bungalow and interior projects in India and abroad. The vanguard of her eponymous firm, she has also ventured in designing for hospitality and wellness spaces.
We caught up with this maverick recently who clues us in on about what inspires her and the latest bathroom trends.
India Design ID: What does design mean to you?
Annkur Khosla:
 Design is akin to daily living and being. It is an integral part of my life and I strongly believe in the mantra “Live life by design and not by default” with a spiritual connotation to it also.
ID: What are your inspirations?
Inspiration is not a planned event or a process with a formulaic outcome. I wish it was such a calculated result but for me it is intermittent thoughts and flashes in the process of living. Inspiration is a moment that I’ve held on in my life and it may ruminate and culminate into a design.
ID: What according to you is the best colour option for a bathroom’s instant facelift?
One’s choice of colour is very space, location and size centric. A generalisation of a colour to a space may not produce the desired result in each space. One would however define it to a mood to create the atmospheric feeling of warmth, happiness and glow in your life. My personal favourite is warm mustard with deep velvety maroon hints as an accent.
ID: One simple way to revamp your bathroom…
The colour can be used to accentuate a wall or uniquely one can consider doing a revamp with the vanity and mirror, which will allow for the best transformation. Shade enhancement through lacquered cabinetry can add a spark to the entire space. Due consideration should be given to the tiles/stones or finishes used in the entire shell of the space.
ID: What is the easiest way to make your bathroom sustainable?
Use sanitaryware and fittings from companies who follow principles of “Ecosmart” features and whose technology is more driven to make consumption of water more sustainable through the rate of flow of water per minute. Aerators used in taps are one such methodology which restricts the flow of water from a tap.
This interview is powered by ROCA.
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