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Home > ID Symposium Talk: Joe Doucet

ID Symposium Talk: Joe Doucet

Creative Opportunities Sustainability Provides to Problem Solving

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New York-based designer and architect Joe Doucet talked about how his eponymous practice is a multidisciplinary one, at ID Symposium. Working at the confluence of product design, architecture, packaging design, art, technology and even medical device production, Doucet elaborated on how these seemingly disparate ventures are connected by one common thread: a fundamental core philosophy, a set of guiding principles that inspire everything that the firm does. “We work at the intersection of design, innovation and sustainability” he said, examining each of these sections with real-life project examples. His diverse range of successful work proved his theory that following a core philosophy – especially one that prioritises sustainability – has productive, practical results in the field of architecture and design.  

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